Sunday, January 27, 2013

Week 7- My Insights

The assignment this week was pretty straight forward.  For this assignment most of my current security threats and vulnerabilities were gathered from Verizon's 2012 Breach report in which can be found at:  It seems that most of the vulnerabilities and threats discovered in the Harry & Mae's Case Study were current security trends found in the Verizon report.  It amazing how something as simple as failure to change default settings on a device can lead to a huge loss for business if exploited.  A company like Harry & Mae's that handles customers credit card numbers can't afford to be careless with this information.  They can lose there privileges to process credit card payments and be forced to pay huge fines.  This is a risk that as a business owner I would not want to accept.  Listed below are a few of my findings from the Harry and Mae's case study that I think are important yet simple fixes. 
Findings Summary
·        Default settings are currently being used throughout the network on various devices making it easy for hackers to break into network devices and capture information such as customer data, usernames and passwords.  It also makes it easy for hackers to establish user accounts and create privileges for themselves that allow them to have full access to the network or that particular device. 
·        Company wireless network is not password protected making it easy for hackers to compromise network and capture information being shared across network.  This includes the capturing of usernames and passwords.
·        Firewalls are not enabled making it easy for hackers to obtain reported information from malicious software that may be installed on the network without sending an alarm or alert.  Traffic is allowed to flow in both directions.    
·        Signature files are not being updated to filter e-mails.  Virus firewall will only capture e-mail according to old files and any new threats will not be captured.  This opens the network up to malicious software and viruses. 
·        No password restrictions.  This allows users to create easy and simple passwords that can easily be cracked by brute force or that can be easily guessed.  Uses are also writing passwords down making it easy for other employees, janitors, or visitors to login and compromised the system.
·        Virus software not currently being used on virtual servers. 
·        Access card data is being stored on the server that’s not protected.  If server was compromised hackers can create fake access card accounts to gain access to the building.  This in return will create a physical breach which could not only case harm to data but employees as well. 
·        Public IP address being used on servers making them accessible to those outside the network.
·        FTP server being used by employees to transfer files from outside and inside the company.  This makes it easy for employees to steal files from work or bring in malicious software or viruses to be distributed across the network. 

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