Monday, February 4, 2013

Week 8 Post

For this weeks posting I found an article that listed the top 10 security breaches of 2012.  While reading the article I began to realize that thieves are not just targeting banks but they seem to be targeting hospitals, hotels, insurance companies, department of revenue, transaction processors, yahoo, apple, shoe and clothing retailers, and the government.  Things lets us know that any business that deals with payments, social security numbers, passwords,and other personal identifiable information are targets.  Any website can be a potential target for thieves.  As users of these sites it's up to use to monitor our accounts and change our passwords often.  Hacker gaining access to our e-mail accounts can be dangerous in that most people receive e-statements for their bills.  Many websites also force customers to use their e-mail address as their username in which I think is a security risk in itself.  If a hacker knows the username he can easily guess or obtain the password especially since most people use easy guessable passwords.  The article can be found at:

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