Sunday, January 13, 2013

Week 5- Harry & Mae’s Assumptions

There are many assumptions to be made about Harry & Mae’s incorporated when it comes to security.  Security is something that they lack and I think they should consider developing some type of procedures, policies, and standards in order to protect the company’s assets.  There is also nothing in place that deals with privacy in the work place and therefore employees can’t be held liable for their actions.  There should be something in place to make employees for their actions in the workplace.  Harry & Mae’s should also be thinking about protecting their reputation as well.  An open network can compromise the integrity of the data being stored and retrieved.  They should also consider disgruntle employees in that they are known to cause major damage to the company.  The article listed below provides a few myths in the workplace that all employees should consider while on the job.  These should also be considered for Harry & Mae’s.  The article can be found at:

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