Saturday, November 17, 2012

Week 12- Blog Summary

First I would like to say that I had fun learning how to create a blog and add entries to it weekly.  The whole idea of having to find articles and create summary of them helped me become more aware of the different threats we face while utilizing the Internet.  We use the Internet for business and pleasure not realizing the potential threats that come along with using the internet.  Most of my blog topics consisted of a variety of topics such as system/software issues, user errors, security awareness, and threats.  When it came to deciding on what to blog about I just did a Google search on the latest security breaches.  I would also sometimes come up with a subject and then use Google to find articles that supported my subject.  I think security blogging is a great awareness tool that gives others the chance to read and apply their thoughts and comments to the subject matter.  It’s a great way to learn more about security.  

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