Monday, November 12, 2012

Week 11 Security Entry

In this week’s security blog I’m going to talk about an article that was written by Chris Poulin called “BTOD: Once Size Risks All”.  In this article Chris talks about how we as a people have become very reliant upon the Internet.  We as a people can access the Internet from just about anywhere we go.  Just to get our brain juices flowing think about all the places that offer Wi-Fi.  Just to name a few we have McDonalds, Wendy’s, Coffee shops, hotels, etc.  For those of us who have cell phones Internet access is located in our pockets.  With that said we can surf, shop, and conduct business and bank from anywhere.  This article focuses on the fact that work and personal devices should be separated.  In other words you should not use your business devices to surf the web, shop, bank, etc.  Personal devices should only be used to conduct personal business only.  Some companies allow their employees to use their own devices instead of company issued devices.  I must say that I agree with the author I think business and work should be separated as well.  If companies separate the two I think that it would limit the amount of threats they face daily.  If companies allow employees to use their own personal computers they compromise the security of the network.  Companies will have no way of determining what programs, software and data users may have stored on their computers. Are users required to have anti-virus software?  Are there any policies in place to dictate acceptable use?

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