Monday, December 3, 2012

Week 1 - Managing Threats in the Digital Age

The digital age has opened the door to more threats due to increased Internet usage.  We use the Internet to conduct business, work, education, travel plans, entertainment, and personal use.  The devices used to access the Internet have increased as well.  Not only do we connect to the Internet via desktops but we can also use our cellphones, iPods, iPads, notebooks, PDAs, and other mobile devices.  The use of these devices along with the increased use of the Internet has created many security challenges.  These challenges can be categorized into three categories and they are external threat, internal threats, and compliance requirements.   These challenges make managing threats a big priority especially for governmental and major organizations like financial institutes and hospitals.  They all collect and store a lot of sensitive, classified, or personal information that could cost them billions of dollars in losses.  These loses can range from ruined reputation, legal fees and penalties, and revenue due to system downtime.  I found this article titled “Managing threats in the digital age” that covers a lot of important information about managing threats.  The article talks about how you need to be proactive when it comes to security.  In other words when it comes to security organizations should implement real-time monitoring for identifying, tracking, and addressing threats.  This would include real-time audits and monitoring of employee usage.  I must say that I agree with the article.  Many security threats are usually detected after the fact and not during.  Most of the breaches are usually detected days or months after the breach.  It’s the same for monitoring employee actions.  It usually takes a few months or days before they discover that and employee was copying files.  It would be nice to be able to monitor employees for system misuse. 
The article can be found at:

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