Monday, October 1, 2012

New Threats

When it comes to protecting personal data we sometimes only think of protecting personal data on our home computers but we never stop and think about protecting our mobile devices.  Mobile devices are just as vulnerable to attacks as our personal computers.  Mobil devices can be used to do just about anything.  They can be used for online banking, check e-mail, shopping, booking flights, booking hotels and much more.  Malware can easily be downloaded to our mobile device via android apps or any other type of download.  Not only do we have to worry about computers and mobile devices but there has also been a huge increase in malware being found in external drives such as thumb drives.  Thumb drives/pen drives are known for carrying viruses and malware.  As users of these devices we need to mindful of the potential risk associated with each of these devices and protect ourselves.  Running virus scans on all external storage devices and installing virus software on our mobile devices will provide some level of protection.  McAfee released an article about a month ago titled “McAfee Threats Report Shows Largest Malware Rise in Four Years”.  This rise is due to thumb drives and mobile devices being infected with malicious software. The article can be found at:


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