Monday, October 8, 2012

Week 6- U of Pennsylvania Confirms Data Breach

It seems like the number of Universities being hacked are starting to climb the chart in data breaches.  So far about twelve schools have been breached where hackers have stolen data.  Hackers are starting to come together and create hacker groups.  Hacker groups are more effective at breaching systems than working alone.  The hacker group responsible for the University of Pennsylvania data breach is known as “Team GhostShell”.  They claim their motive was to show how changes made to the education system by politics have affected us as a whole.  They did not steal any data that could lead to identify theft.  They only stole data that shows student debt and posted it on a few websites.  My question is:  Is there such thing as a good hack?  Is this a justifiable hack?  Do these hacks show that there may be a security flaw in the Universities system?  Are hackers becoming smarter or is security software and hardware behind the curve?  These are just a few questions that ran across my mind as I read this article.  The article can be found at:

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