Monday, October 22, 2012

Week 8 White House Confirms Security Breach By Chinese Hackers (But It's Not As Bad As It Sounds)

Over the past few months there seem to be a lot of security breaches that stems from phishing attempts.  Business and organizations have been requiring that all employees take some form of security training on an annually basics. The training usually warns users of virus, phishing attempts and other information security aspects.  I’m just curious as to why users are still falling prey to phishing attempts especially those who are associated with the government or military.  About a month ago the white house suffered a breach on their unclassified network via a phishing e-mail.  As government employees you are constantly warned about phishing e-mails and yet there is a breach via outsider gathering information from a phishing e-mail.  Is there something wrong with the training? Does it need to be revamped? Or is it that users are just not thinking?  This is another example of an “insider threat”.  The article can be found at:

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